Monday, November 29, 2010

Where I sleep every night?? Where I do my work every day..

this is where I sleep, study and do all my work, including Facebooking,Blogging and typing my diary..

this is my desk in my compartment...

my bed for me to sleep at night, and nap during the day...
my book shelf ...and my favorite photo..guess from who~~..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Another Outing with Friends

Today I am having another outing with my friends but this time at Jaya One, it just few meters away from my campus..jalan kaki pun boleh..We went there around 11.30 in the morning. It is a new building actually, so we have decided to take a tour. It is quiet big too and lots of shops inside the building,because that is the main reason why they built it right? some of them are not open yet hehe..or may be closed because today is Sunday...hmm~ I don't know..ahaha..anyhow, some of the shops are; the COOL STORAGE..or it is spell COLD??..I forgot!!..haha..there are Guardian, Gift Shops, Boutiques and lots of restaurants..such as BBQ CHICKEN, OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE, WENDY'S and many more..even  some bars an pubs..hmm I am not surprised actually..because it is common here..hehehe..The structure of Jaya One is inexplicable actually..but yet, it has a beautiful surrounding..after a few hours of walking and touring the area, we have decided to have a 'pit stop' first we went to give a try at the WENDY'S..but the food are way too expensive so we just have a drink..then we move to Old Town White Coffee Restaurant, there where we had our lunch before we went back to our campus for a rest..hehe..

 around Jaya One..
 what should I say..I like my photo to be taken..hehe Palm Square Enterence
 the pool inside the Jaya One..hehe..while waiting my friend to finish taking my photo...
 Zouk Spa??..I guess it is an Arabian Spa...hmm NOT!!..haha..what do you expect??
 at Wendy's, where the burger cost around 10..HUHU~~..
 hehehe..enjoying our pit stop..
 guess how much this two drinks' cost us?? RM10.80
Jaya One building

that is how I spent my Sunday this week..because it is impossible for us to spend our weekend like this next week because we have a Compulsory Leadership Trainning..hmmmm
okay~ till then~ (n_n)

Bila Terasa Rindu...(n_n)..Ku sebut nama KAMUKAMU~

bila terasa rindu..rasanya ingin kamukamu sentiasa ada di sisiku..5 hati 1 jiwa...9 raga 1 keluarga..alangkah bahagianya kalau rasa rindu ini terubat...Fakrul, Husen, Lehen, Fella, Shila, Rabiah, Yati and Maii..<3

kadang terasa rindu keriuhan kelas Burtuqal...suara jeritan dan hilai tawa yang buleh melupakan tekanan belajar,,susah kan dpat GENG mcm kamukamu...Syiqin, Dijah, Yuyul, CT Am, Biah, Huda and Mierah...

the brothers of Burtuqal pun terasa keunjaran..susah kan dpat kwan cemani..bnyak ragam banyak kenangan..ketawa..and sumtimes, ada ada saja..hehe..Azmir, Dayat, Fadhli, Ali Omar, Shah,Ainul, Wandy, Adib, Rusy and Ajes..

Rindu akan keriangan bersama...everything kan di share..indalah siuk sendiri makan...ingat makan, ingat kekamu~~ Nazirul and Abie
yang paling sangat dirindui adalah dua insan yang sangat bermakna dalam hidupku..tak pernah pudar walau sesaat tetap dirindu...tak sabar kan bejumpa~..Nini Bini and Nini Laki...

sementara atu insan yang sangat berharga and bertuah rasanya aku memiliki keduanya,,Mama and Babah..Jelez rasanya mliat mama n bapa urg yg datang melawat anaknya disini..malam siang always diingat..rasa mcm, kan di telipun setiap hari...hmmm rindu jua arah adikadik ku ani..nada dgn beibun~

seriously..aku nda sabar kan juma durang..beibun, becali and besatur..hahaha..Anis and Fatin

blum lagi my beloved cozens...antaranya durang ani..rapat and always berjumapa..f bejumpa tantu ada cerita..hmm lapas ani tantu tmbah bnyak cerita..ketawa inda pandai beranti..hehe..rindu laa
Amal,Hafiz, Hazimah
and insan yang bnyak memberi pengajaran kpd diriku,,,Insan yang ku panggil BABU..rindu kan memasak sma kedidia..jalan and blajar resepi baru..hehe

rindu jua arah insan yang dipanggil aibo anii..kenangan pun jadilah pengubat rindu

And last kali..rindu SI DIA....Sungai Nil untuk Mesirku...esseh..macam AYAT AYAT CINTA..
tanpa Nil tak sempurnalah mesir..hehe suwwiit~ (n_n)


huraian maksud Cinta Sesuci Haramain bagi ku:

Aku umpama Bumi yang bertuah memiliki Dua tanah Suci (Haramain),yang ku ibaratkan seperti lelaki dan perempuan...dan aku memiliki keikhlasan KASIH,SAYANG & CINTA dari keduanya..


Saturday, November 27, 2010

English Jokes 2..enjoy =)

1.A man left his cat with his brother while he went on vacation for a week. When he came back, the man called his brother to see when he could pick the cat up. The brother hesitated, then said, `I`m so sorry, but while you were away, the cat died.`

The man was very upset and yelled, `You know, you could have broken the news to me better than that. When I called today, you could have said he was on the roof and wouldn`t come down. Then when I called the next day, you could have said that he had fallen off and the vet was working on patching him up. Then when I called the third day, you could have said he had passed away.`

The brother thought about it and apologized.

`So how`s Mom?` asked the man.

`She`s on the roof and won`t come down.`

2. A couple had two little boys, ages eight and ten, who were excessively mischievous.

The two were always getting into trouble and their parents could be confident that if any mischief occurred in their town, their two young sons were involved in some capacity. The parents were at their wit`s end as to what to do about their sons` behavior.

The parents had heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children in the past, so they contacted him, and he agreed to give it his best shot. He asked to see the boys individually, so the eight-year-old was sent to meet with him first. The clergyman sat the boy down and asked him sternly, `Where is God?`

The boy made no response, so the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, `Where is God?`

Again the boy made no attempt to answer, so the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy`s face, `WHERE IS GOD?`

At that, the boy bolted from the room, ran directly home, and slammed himself in his closet. His older brother followed him into the closet and said, `What happened?`

The younger brother replied, `We are in BIG trouble this time. God is missing and they think we did it!`

3. You Must Answer Two (2) or More Questions Correctly to Qualify.
1. What language is spoken in France?
2. Give a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and social conditions. OR Give the first name of PIERRE Trudeau.
3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to: (a) build a bridge (b) sail the ocean (c) lead an army (d) WRITE A PLAY
 4. What religion is the Pope? (Check only one) (a) Jewish (b) CATHOLIC (c) Hindu (d) Swedish (e) Agnostic
5. Metric conversion. How many feet in 0.0 meters?
6. What time is it when the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 1?
 7. How many commandments was Moses given? (Approximate)
8. What are people in America`s far north called? (a) Westerners (b) Southerners (C) NORTHERNERS
9. Spell -- CAT, DOG, PIG
10. Six kings of England have been called George, the last one being George the Sixth. Name the previous five. EXTRA CREDIT: Using your fingers, count from 1-5.

4. A student is taking his final exams. He takes his seat in the exam hall, stares at the questions and then in a fit for inspiration takes his shoes off and throws them out of the window. He then removes his shirt, pants and socks.
The teacher, alarmed, approached him and asked what is going on?
`I am only following the instructions -- the test paper states, answer the questions in BRIEF!

Some books that I have bought...

These are some of the books that I have bought..

 hehehe ani bru sikit ku bli..tapi, bnyak lagi buku yg ku idamkan..semuanya memberi kemanfaatan hehe..namanya jua buku~
I know this book lama udah..tapi aku bru terpikat untuk memilikinya..La Tahzan Wa la Takhaf, Inna ALLAH ma'aa na~

 I like the title of this book..and menarik perhatianku msa aku memigangnya,,"DOAKU HARAPANKU"...n katakatanya jua indah.." Jadikan aku (Doa) Teman setiamu, akan ku jadi teman mu di akhirat kelak"..don't you think the words is nicely done??
senyum banyak menyembunyikan rahsia di hati..senyumnya seseorang itu tidak semestinya bahagia...menangisnya seseorang itu tidak semestinya berduka..

 This the book that is used to learn about Law for beginners like my self..hehe..this book is about western law and about law itself..My aunt recommended this book to during my stay at her house..
 the topic say it all...kama fil maudu'...bnyak memberi pengajaran n menambah pengetahuan..
tak kenal maka tak cinta..buku ani tersangat siuk,,semua pasal Nabi SAW...F tani baca macam terasa ja Baginda ada di sisi..kama fi syair yg tlh di translate:

jika jauh jarak terbentang,
jika bersua tak mungkin lagi
jika ia tak bisa dijangkau
jika mata tak kuasa memandang
maka disini baginda kau temukan

well, ani tah bukubukunya,,THE CANDLE OF MY SOUL..

Friday, November 26, 2010



Hari ani aku aku keluar sama kawankawanku..lapas Jumaat, kamipun keluar..mulamula, aku kan ke bank, selesaikan aku punya akaun..atu nda tah payah diceritakan tuu..hehehe..well, masa kan ke bank atu, kami paksa tah menahan bas..hehe first time ku naik bas tuu kamu~~..hahaha..f di Brunei, pyah kan naik bas awam ani..hehe.. Tapi bas inda laa branti dapan bank kan~...hahaha..paksa taa jalan kaki ke bank..almaklum, bank 'AMPIR BERABIS'....hehehe buah mempalam buah tembikai, mun paham bisai..hehe..aishh..sangal jua batis..

Lapas dari bank, kami kan ke Low Yat..first kami kan naik bas..tapi ketinggalan..hahaha..melintas dah nii jalan aa..bila kan masuk, kwn sorang ketinggalan di jalan sebalah..hehe..paksa tah tunggu n biarkan bas jalan.. but then, kami decide kan ambil menahan teksi tah..n minta antar ke STATION UNIVERSITI..first time aku naik LRT weyy~~..hahaha..dari sana ke KL CENTRAL..harga: RM 1.60..HEHE..Siuk laa jua..skali skala..ada jua perasaan excited atuu..hehe..sampai ja ke KLC, kami minum laa kajap..then sembahyg Asar..before ke Low Yatt, kami misti naik jugak!!..tapi dari KLC atuu, paksa tah jalan kaki..hehehe..sakit jua laa batis..hehe..then dlm MONORAIL atu, paksa bediri..nda cukup tmpat duduk..hehe..nya kawan ana, andangnya tuu,,always sasak..nda laa sasak banar..hehe..

Dari MONORAIL ke Low Yatt, jalan kaki lagi~~..hadduyyaii~~...ikut tah jua..dalam atu jual barangbarangan like laptop, handphone, camera and apa ja bekaitan dgn gadget yang sophisticated laa..hehe ngaleh weyy jalan dalam atuu..kadai basar..puas 'MENCUCI MATA' eh eh~..ukan cuci yg atuu aa..cuci mata liat gadgets laa, handphone betimbun..lappy betimbun..hoishhh..sana ada kadai aku bli bukubuku laaa..aku post krg buku yg ana bli..InsyaAllah..apa yg mencabar keimanan ialah HANDPHONE..mak oii..banyak sangat!! harus berhati-hati coz ada yg seludup..ehehe..

Dalam sibuk-sibuk kwnkwn ku beunjar barang, adalah kwn ku sorang ani bekusut kan makan..hehe..aku pun bekusut tuu kalau kami pun jalan kaki lagi ke tempat yg diberi nama TIMES SQUARE..tempat paling best! meletihkan! menyusahkan! mencabar kesabaran!..macammacam laa..sabut apa saja..hehehe..kami cadang kan makan di food courtnya laa..kan bejimat laa konon..tapi food courtnya nda menerima cash!! mesti pkai kad jua..heh!! blabih banar!!..paksa taa meround lagi..lastly, kami terjumpa sebuah restaurant yang digemari ramai, KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN!!!,,Hahaha..smua pilih DINNER PLATE..kes lapar tahap gajah..hoho..lapas makan, kami solat Maghrib di surau Time Square..jalan, jalan jua..Allah nda dilupa..hehe..

lapas sembahyang kami ronda laa skajap..then blik ke stesen MONORAIL..ya Rab!! punya laa bnyak urang!..paksa taa behimpithimpit..hayyo~..(macam my madam udah~)...nasib baik penumpang yg bnyak atu branti rah first stop..coz kami punya stop terakhir..hehe..masa atu kami nda laa dpt duduk..mcm biasa~~ bediri..walaupun urg bekurg, masih jua bnyak..hmm canakan tuu aa??..bekurg tatap jua bnyak..hehe..antam tah..masa kami tgh syok meliat pemandangan malam di luar MONORAIL..tiba-tiba, ada sesuatu yg kami nda dpt jangkakan..sesuatu yg tidak aku sangkakan..yg telah melakar sejarah pertama dlm pengalaman pertama menaiki MONORAIL..iaitu PERFUME TAMBAHAN...YAA ALLAH!!!..adalah HAMBA ALLAH yang kononnya nda bedusa atuuu, dgn penuh muka selamba n tiada segan silu, melepaskan KENTUT WEYYY!!!. hadduyyai..cuba bayangkan..dlm keadaan yg penuh sesak ada yg bekentut!!!..heh!!..panuh satu gerabak!! hahaahaha..kenangan~~

Pastu, kami nda blik naik LRT..kami nak rasa naik bas..coz, bilang urg kekurangan duit dah..haha..menuggu bas adalah pengalaman yang sgt meletihkan..hmmm..sakit batis nyantaa..mau nda mau, paksa tunggu..nasib baik ada..walaupun lama sikit..kami naik bas laa ke UIA..smpai ke kampus, satu lagi pengalaman yg tidak dpt dilupakan..Kami kana tahan oleh Pak Guard n kana marah..because aher balik..kami nda tau yg peraturan kana suruh balik slum kul 7..coz, warden asrama its okay blik aher coz esuk nda skulah..kami blik kul 8.45pm..hmm nasib baik nda kana saman..ukan kmi gnya, binibini pun kana jua..hadduyai..macam macam taa banar..

Balik hostel tarus mandi n solat..pastu memunduk buat blog!..hehe..itulah joourney ku hari ani..kalau rajin, harihari ku update..

salam sayang, putera oren